

The One Weekend with Riku

Riku and I went out at 1:30pm. First of all, we headed to the park by the condo. There were five or six moms and children who were a little younger than Riku. Riku didn't seem interested in them, so i asked him if he wants to go somewhere else. He agreed to leave the park, so we turned towards our condo. I called Bryn from the downstairs, but no answer. We stepped out and started walk towards "Sakai-Higashi". I remembered that Bryn's mom's favorite Gelate place was on the way, so Riku and I stopped by the store on the way. There were three women in the counter, one of them remembered Riku from the last early Spring. Riku got a cup of milk gelate and I got "Hoji-cha" flavor ice cream. Riku was really excited having his own cup, he almost finished it except a few bite. I chatted a little bit with the woman and the owner. i told them Riku's "Obaa-chama"(Nana) is coming in 12 days, and she is looking foward to coming back the store. The owner remembered that her favorite flavor which is the coconnut one. We said good-bye to them, Riku weaved everyone in the store and started walking. In 12 minutes, we arrived "Takashimaya" the Department store in Sakai-Higashi. We went to the Ladies' room first. Riku charmed everyone in the restroom, while I was using the toilet. I let the Riku out from the stroller at the toy store.