

goya chips


I ordered HIragana magnets for Riku online. Since we recieved them this morning, Riku is playing them with his stuffed animals.

When my mother was here and cooking breakfast for us in the morning, Riku was following me to the bathroom and said, "baaba cooking." (baaba means "grand mother") to me. i never really taught him it.

Riku started saying 3 words sentences.

Riku shippo nai. (Riku doesn't have tail)

Shippo means "a tail", nai means "not there, don't have.

My sister bought me some goya chips. Goya is a kind of bitter melon from Okinawa. It is really bitter, needed to be used the flavour. it has been 5 minutes since i had a piece and i still taste it in my mouth. Not pleasent feeling...

Riku and I saw "Bend it like Beckam" on DVD that my sister's boyfriend downloaded for us. Riku seemed liked the dancing scene quite a bit. i wanted to go to Tennoji today, but Riku had a medium size nap around 3-4pm. So, some other time...

We went to the libruary instead. I became the member and I got three books for Riku. The one of them is te Japanese version of "Good night moon", the other two are behicles picture books.